Orion CCPA Privacy Notice

Information for California Residents

California Consumers’ Rights and Choices

If you are a California resident, California law permits you to request Information regarding the:

  • Categories of Personal Information (as defined by applicable California law) collected, sold or disclosed by us;
  • Purposes for which categories of Personal Information collected by us are used;
  • Sources of information from which we collect Personal Information; and
  • Specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected about you.

In addition, if you are a California resident you may:

  • Opt-out of the sale or disclosure of your Personal Information, in some circumstances;
  • Opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us; however, you may still receive administrative communications regarding the Services;
  • Opt-in to certain financial incentive programs we may offer related to the collection, sale, or deletion of your Personal Information; and
  • Request deletion of your Personal Information by us and our service providers, in some circumstances.

You will not be discriminated against for exercising your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act. Our privacy policy can be found at: https://www.orionsmart.io/privacy-policy. Orion Smart Home is a registered DBA of Connected Home Professionals, LLC, a subsidiary of NorthStar Alarm Services, LLC.

Collection of Personal Information from California Residents

We have listed below the personal information we may have collected from California residents in the past 12 months.

Category of personal information we may collect: Identifiers

Categories of sources from which we may obtain your “Identifiers” include:Directly from consumers, consumer data resellers
The purposes for collecting your “Identifiers” include:Marketing and to improve our customer experience

Category of personal information we may collect: Commercial Information

Categories of sources from which we may obtain your “Commercial Information” include:Directly from consumers
The purposes for collecting your “Commercial Information” include:To improve our customer experience

Category of personal information we may collect: Internet/Electronic Activity

Categories of sources from which we may obtain your “Internet/Electronic Activity” include:Directly from consumers
The purposes for collecting your “Internet/Electronic Activity” include:To improve our customer experience

Category of personal information we may collect: Geolocational Data

Categories of sources from which we may obtain your “Geolocational Data” include:Directly from consumers
The purposes for collecting your “Geolocational Data” include:To improve our customer experience

Category of personal information we may collect: Sensory Information

Categories of sources from which we may obtain your “Sensory Information” include:Directly from consumers
The purposes for collecting your “Sensory Information” include:To improve our customer experience

Category of personal information we may collect: Inferences

Categories of sources from which we may obtain your “Inferences” include:Directly from consumers, consumer data resellers
The purposes for collecting your “Inferences” include:Marketing

Here is information on whether we sell or share your personal information.

Selling/sharing your personal information

Categories of third parties we may sell your personal information to:We do not sell personal information to third parties
Categories of third parties we may otherwise share your personal information with:Affiliates, Service Providers, Marketing and Advertising Partners


You can make requests related to your California privacy rights by sending an email to legal@northstarhome.com. You may make the following types of requests:

  • Access My Personal Information;
  • Delete My Personal Information;
  • Do Not Sell My Personal Information.

Please be aware that we do not accept or process requests through other means (e.g., via fax, social media, email addresses, etc.).

When you make a request, we may ask you to provide verifying information, such as your name, email, or phone number. We will review the information provided and may request additional information via email or other means to ensure we are interacting with the correct individual. Please also be aware that making any such request does not ensure complete or comprehensive removal or deletion of Personal Information or content you may have posted, and there may be circumstances in which the law does not require or allow us to fulfill your request.


Our Services are not directed to children, and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 16. If you learn that a child has provided us with Personal Information, then you may contact us as indicated above.

Do Not Track

Orion Smart does not currently take steps to respond to browsers’ “Do Not Track” signals as no uniform standard to respond to such signals has been developed at this time.

Date created: July 16, 2020